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Category Archives: Opinion

Decoding the HDB Classification: The New Prime, Plus &...

TLDR The National Day Rally 2023 introduced a new classification for HDB flats, replacing the old ‘mature versus non-mature estates’ system with ‘prime, plus, and standard’ categories. Changes include longer minimum stay periods for ‘plus’ and ‘prime’ flats, impacting resale rules and eligibility criteria. The revamped system aims to discourage property speculation and prioritize genuine homeowners. The extended 10-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) may …

I Bought a Mega-Home : Hear 7 Homeowners Spill their H...

TLDR The article discusses various challenges faced by residents living in massive condo complexes in Singapore. From long elevator wait times and overcrowded facilities to parking issues and noise disturbances, residents share their experiences. The post highlights the importance of considering factors like layout, amenities, and community events when choosing a property. It also touches upon the impact of such developments on residents’ daily …

Ouch! Our $1.8 Million Condo Investment Blunder: Unpac...

TLDR The blog post delves into the complexities of real estate investments using Bob’s experiences as examples. It highlights the importance of considering factors beyond location, such as rental yield vs. demand, maintenance costs, property size, and future prospects. Bob’s missteps with rental income, MRT station hype, high maintenance fees, and overlooking essential details serve as cautionary tales. The post also warns newbie investors …

3 Property Owners Reveal Their Major Mistakes: The Pit...

TLDR When it comes to navigating the ups and downs of the Singapore property market, timing is crucial. Three real-life stories shed light on the challenges faced by homeowners looking to sell their properties. From dealing with changing regulations like ABSD and TDSR to unforeseen events like the COVID-19 pandemic, each tale underscores the importance of patience and strategic decision-making when it comes to …

Is the Dream of Homeownership Becoming a Steeper Climb...

TLDR The article discusses the evolving trends in the Singaporean real estate market, focusing on the affordability and accessibility of different housing options. It highlights the rising prices of private properties compared to public housing, shedding light on the challenges faced by average-income families in purchasing their dream homes. The narrative also delves into the impact of income levels on property ownership, particularly analyzing …

Should You Splash Your Cash on a Condo Despite the Sky...

TLDR The blog post discusses various aspects of investing in condos in Singapore, covering topics such as leasehold versus freehold properties, rental yields, property values, and factors affecting investment decisions. It emphasizes the importance of considering specific projects rather than general property types. Additionally, it provides insights on hidden expenses, market trends, and tips for property buyers. The post offers strategic real estate advice, …

Ouch! How Owning a Million-Dollar Home Can Sting with ...

TLDR When considering property investments in Singapore, it’s crucial to monitor home loan interest rates closely. Even a slight increase can significantly impact your finances over time. Keep an eye on your CPF withdrawal limit, as overspending could lead to complications in the future. Rising interest rates may also affect the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR), potentially requiring a larger down payment and posing …

When will En-Bloc set to Become Reality Beyond 2023?

TLDR The real estate market is experiencing a lull in en-bloc activities due to various factors. Higher Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) rates, the government’s release of Government Land Sales (GLS) sites, issues associated with en-bloc sites, and the rising interest rate environment are key reasons. Developers face challenges with the 40% ABSD on land prices and uncertainty in the market. GLS sites offer …

Are Early Bird Discounts At New Launches Genuine Or A ...

TLDR When considering investing in new property projects, understanding developers’ pricing strategies is crucial. Early bird discounts are not just sales tactics; they help developers manage risks and maintain profits. Developers aim to sell all units within 5 years to avoid extra charges like ABSD and QC extension fees. Pricing stages progress from the primary launch to post-launch and TOP phases. The initial low …

Dual-Key Condo: Analysing The Pros And Cons

TLDR for “Dual-Key Condo: Analysing The Pros And Cons” When considering dual-key condo units, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. These units offer the benefit of no ABSD payable, privacy when renting out, and potentially higher rental yields. However, they can be more expensive per square foot, challenging to sell, and may not be suitable for a home office. Ultimately, the decision …

What Factors Contribute To Singapore’s Real Esta...

TLDR The Singaporean real estate market has remained stable due to government cooling measures. These include Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) and Seller’s Stamp Duty (SSD) to regulate demand and curb speculation. Measures like Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) and Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratios protect buyers from overstretching financially. Public housing through HDB and CPF schemes ensures high home ownership rates and steady prices. These …

Housing Affordability in 2023: Is Singapore Property T...

TLDR Singapore’s property market faces challenges with high prices, especially in private housing. While public housing remains more affordable, the gap between property prices and salaries raises concerns. The market is primarily driven by local residents, with younger buyers supported by intergenerational wealth transfer. The government aims to balance affordability with property investment interests through measures like grants and cooling policies. Singapore’s appeal as …

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