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Category Archives: Blog Posts

Should I Buy In A Newly MOP HDB Or An Older Resale HDB...

TLDR When deciding between a recently MOP-ed HDB property and an older resale HDB property in Singapore, various factors come into play. Consider your individual circumstances, future plans, renovation preferences, desired amenities, investment goals, and location preferences. Singles and married couples have different rules to follow, influencing their property choices. Assess how long you plan to live in the property, your space requirements, and …

Are You Worried About Overpaying On Your Property? Her...

TLDR Understanding property valuations and their impact on mortgage loans is crucial in the Singapore real estate market. By considering factors such as current asking prices, recently transacted prices, recent highest transacted price, peak price of the development, and valuation price, you can ensure you’re making an informed decision when buying or selling a property. Online tools and professional help can aid in determining …

Singapore Property Bubble Ahead? My Friends Share My M...

TLDR The author delves into various opinions on the Singapore property market for the year 2023. Experts have differing views on transaction volumes and price movements, with some anticipating stability while others predict fluctuations. Factors such as interest rates, new launches, and market trends are discussed. The post also offers insights for first-time homebuyers in Singapore, drawing from real-life experiences and providing essential tips …

Singapore Property Price Set to Explode Upwards in 202...

TLDR Understanding the factors influencing property prices in Singapore for 2024 can help in making informed decisions. Despite high rental rates and rising mortgage rates, property prices have continued to climb. The government’s cooling measures have segregated the HDB and private property markets, affecting property valuations. Sellers holding multiple properties are driving the market, while limited options for downgrading to HDB contribute to the …

Breaking Through the Stalemate of En Bloc Sales

TLDR The Singapore property market faces challenges with the ongoing en bloc stalemate. Lower success rates, higher development risks, and elevated seller expectations characterize the current cycle. To break the deadlock, focusing on smaller sites with attractive features is key. Opportunities in the Core Central Region and the East offer potential for developers. Collective sales can benefit both owners and developers, but success requires …

35 Brand New Condominiums Nearing Their ABSD Deadline ...

TLDR The blog post discusses the looming ABSD deadline for several new launch condos in 2023, highlighting the impact on developers and potential discounts for buyers. Specific projects like Riviere, Royalgreen, One Pearl Bank, and The Landmark are analyzed for their sales progress and remaining units. Additionally, the post touches on strategic real estate advice and property investment insights for readers. The property market …

Discover 11 Helpful Tips for Buying an Older Condo : A...

TLDR When considering purchasing an older resale condo, ensure you investigate potential en-bloc bids, lift conditions, parking conveniences, playground safety, unit size and design flexibility, leaks, plumbing, gate accessibility, useful facilities, resident makeup, renovation timelines, and more. These factors play a crucial role in making an informed decision regarding the purchase of an older condominium. Additionally, seek professional advice and conduct thorough inspections to …

Case Study : With Income Of $180K per Annum, Which Opt...

TLDR When making property decisions in Singapore, it’s crucial to consider various factors like affordability, loan-to-value ratios, and CPF requirements. Options include upgrading to a freehold condo in specific districts, saving for an additional investment property with ABSD implications, or upgrading to a larger HDB flat. Exploring leasehold options widens choices. Due to eligibility constraints, a second BTO may not be feasible. Consider younger …

HDB Loan Vs Bank Loan: Pros & Cons

TLDR When deciding between an HDB loan or a bank loan for purchasing a property in Singapore, consider key factors such as down payment requirements, interest rates, stability of payments, loan-to-value ratios, early repayment penalties, forgiveness in case of late payments, and refinancing options. HDB loans offer lower down payments payable by CPF, stability in monthly payments, and no early repayment penalties. On the …

Reach Your Goal of Owning a Flat Before You Turn 35 : ...

TLDR Jayson Ang provides valuable insights on money-saving strategies to achieve the goal of owning a flat before turning 35 in Singapore. The post covers essential tips on managing CPF contributions, setting aside a portion of your salary, investing in endowment or blue-chip plans, avoiding credit card debt, and choosing loans with the lowest interest rates. Additionally, it highlights the importance of financial planning, …

Planning for Retirement: Considerations for Downsizing...

TLDR Downsizing your home for retirement can bring financial security, closer family ties, and new adventures. Consider the benefits of a smaller space, convenient amenities, and personal office setup. Think about future needs, storage solutions, and accommodating visitors. Evaluate furniture choices, financial goals, and long-term plans for accessibility. Embrace change for a positive retirement experience with a manageable abode. Maybe you’re ready to take …

Learn How To Negotiate For The Best Price When Purchas...

Navigating the complexities of purchasing a resale HDB flat requires honing negotiation skills and market awareness. Understanding property valuations, seller motivations, and setting a realistic budget are key. Thorough research, strategic offers, and maintaining composure during negotiations are crucial. Remember, staying within your financial limits and being prepared to walk away if needed ensures a successful property purchase. Are you considering buying a resale …

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