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5 Techniques for Identifying Undervalued Properties in...

TLDR To spot undervalued properties in Singapore’s real estate market, focus on market value, location, and unique features. Consider “up and coming” areas near amenities for growth potential. Look for distress sales for bargains but be cautious of hidden issues. Analyze rental yields and market trends to make informed decisions. Collaborate with a professional realtor for expert guidance. Remember, investing in undervalued properties involves …

3 Things You Need to Know if You Are Buying a Second P...

TLDR When considering buying a second property in Singapore, ensure eligibility by meeting the Minimum Occupancy Period (MOP) and understanding loan eligibility based on Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) and Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio. Be prepared for the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) and Property Tax implications. Consider using CPF and clarify your intent – whether the property will be an investment or a second …

Buy a $1M Resale HDB or a $1M Resale Condo?

TLDR When comparing a million-dollar HDB flat to a private property of the same value, the HDB flat offers more living space, making it suitable for families. Condos, on the other hand, provide exclusive amenities but come with higher maintenance fees. HDB buyers can access grants and loans not available for private property purchases. While private properties offer higher rental demand and potential appreciation, …

Great Reasons for Condo Owners to Sell upon Reaching T...

TLDR A recent sub-sale transaction in Midtown Modern set a new record with a 2-bedroom home selling at $3,150 psf. Selling before TOP can lead to substantial profits, even after paying the Seller Stamp Duty. Avoid paying 25% in the progressive payment plan by selling your Option to Purchase before TOP. Properties like Sky Everton, Treasure at Tampines, and The Florence Residences have seen …

Strategies for Overcoming ABSD and Acquiring Multiple ...

TLDR When it comes to navigating the Additional Buyers Stamp Duty (ABSD) in Singapore, there are legal strategies available to help investors save on costs and own multiple properties. Key methods include purchasing properties under a single owner to leverage spouse’s eligibility, decoupling ownership to free up names, unofficially acquiring properties under adult children, setting up property trusts for minors, and considering dual-key layouts. …

What Type of Properties Can a Permanent Resident PR Bu...

TLDR When it comes to purchasing property in Singapore as a Permanent Resident or Foreign National, there are specific restrictions and eligibility criteria to consider. Singaporeans have the most flexibility in property choices, while PRs have limitations but more options compared to non-residents and foreigners. Certain properties, such as vacant residential land, terrace homes, and bungalows, are off-limits to PRs and foreign nationals. PRs …

The Cost of Housing – Affordability vs Premium?

TLDR The blog post discusses the challenges Singapore faces in housing affordability, particularly the rising costs of private homes compared to public housing. It examines the impact of wealth transfer between generations on private housing affordability. The government’s measures to support first-time homebuyers and manage investment interests are also highlighted. The need for a delicate balance between affordability and investment interests is emphasized, urging …

The Impact of a Real Estate Agent on Your PropertyR...

TLDR In the world of real estate, the value of property agents lies in their ability to create competition among buyers, manage transaction deadlines efficiently, allocate resources for targeted listings, and leverage their networking connections. Experienced agents can help sellers secure better deals, navigate time-sensitive transactions, and optimize marketing efforts to achieve higher prices. However, it’s crucial to choose agents with proven track records, …

Evaluating Property Investments: Pros and Cons to Keep...

TLDR: Key Takeaways from the Blog Post Singapore’s real estate market offers both pros and cons for investors. The advantages include potential capital gains, stable returns, protection against inflation, and leveraging opportunities. However, investing in properties requires substantial initial capital, long-term commitment, and careful financial planning. Becoming a property owner in Singapore can provide rental income and protection against inflation. Leverage can significantly boost …

Tips for Young Adults to Begin Saving for Their Future...

TLDR When aiming to purchase a home, it is crucial to gain knowledge about the buying process and track your spending to prioritize saving. Consider leasing out your property for additional income and engage in financial discussions with your partner. Evaluate the right time to buy or sell by seeking strategic real estate advice. Stay informed about market trends and make data-driven decisions to …

Would It Be More Better To Engage One Property Agent O...

TLDR When planning to sell your property, you have the option to work with one agent exclusively or non-exclusively. Engaging multiple agents can widen your reach to potential buyers, but it may require more time and effort in managing communication and offers. On the other hand, working exclusively with one agent could lead to more dedicated attention to your transaction. Consider your preferences and …

Unlock The Secrets To Successfully Selling Your Home I...

TLDR When preparing to sell your house in Singapore, research the average prices in your area to set a realistic figure. Consider factors like capital appreciation, rental yields, and nearby en-bloc sales. Work out your holding power and have a fixed plan in place for pricing strategies. Enhance your property’s appeal by adding uplights for a luxurious touch. Conduct a thorough home inspection to …

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