5 Essential Rules to Identify Right Entry Price
Why RESALE Prices are cheaper than New Launches? Does it mean that we should buy if it is CHEAP?
Have you ever wonder why the resale prices are much cheaper and yet many people still choose to pay more for New Launches

5 Elements of Successful CCR Portfolio
Property Investment is never about luck or emotional buying. On many occasions, we see consumers hopping from different new project show units just to find “the Right One”. But how exactly will this “Right one” presents itself in the face of consumers?

5 MUST KNOW Exit Strategies
There is a high tendency for many people to hold on to their properties for a long period of time even though their properties have appreciated to double the amount of what they have purchased. Is this the best option for properties which have appreciated?
Jayson shares his views in his reports on the current property market.
Discover some strategies you can use to overcome your real estate challenges.